This past weekend (June 29 to July 1) Camp Wildwood celebrated 100 years of camping ministry in McKees Mills. (This is near Bouctouche. Include this location detail when you look for CW on Facebook.) The weekend hosted over 200+ campers, plus another 250+ joined us for a celebration on Sunday evening -- which included fireworks.
For these 100 years Camp has had the privilege to proclaim the good news of Jesus from one generation to the next. (Psalm 145:4) You see, it's the responsibility of all those who believe to tell others about Jesus, and Camp is one of the most effective tools we have for proclaiming that message. Of course it does not take the responsibility away from us as individuals, but it enhances our proclamation in ways that are difficult in our local church setting. (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)
Until Jesus Christ returns -- and only until he returns -- we have the opportunity to add to the family of God. Jesus died for the sins of everyone, and he is not interested that any perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9) And get this, he left the job to us of telling others about this goal. Are you doing your part?
Camp Wildwood is doing its part as over the years thousands of kids have been at camp, and hundreds have committed their lives to Christ while there. Hey, even some romances started at Camp!! So it's good for us to be both appreciative and supportive of this "arm" of our church. (By the way, as a member church of Convention, we own Camp Wildwood.) This is an inverstment in eternity.
The ministry of Camp Wildwood is only limited by the extent of their partners. In addition to the Director, Geoff Brace, there is the Manager, Terry O'Brien, and 40+ staff who serve during the summer, and some also during the year. However, they cannot do it on their own. It takes so many of us to help Camp be effective. Some of you are already there, giving of your prayers, time and resources to make it happen. Some of you could stand to step up your commitment to this ministry.
At the Sunday evening rally, we noted a few highlights. Geoff is starting his 25th summer as Director. Yeah! The three Baptist Associations connected to Camp each contributed $25/year to the offering. Yeah! (That is $25/year x 100 x 3 = $7500. from Miramichi; Albert; Westmorland-Kent) The rest of the offering was $11,500. Yeah! And, three folks signed up for the "Ember Club", which is a commitment to give $1,000/year for five years. Yeah!
Thanks to all those who came to celebrate, and to those gave. (Philippians 4:18-19)
This is a great time for all of us to get behind Camp Wildwood and make sure that the next five years are the best yet. None of us will be here 100 years from now, but while we are here, let's put our shoulders to the wheel and keep this ministry rolling.
* As a side note, consider joining the Ember Club. It can even be a group who all contribute to make the $1,000/year. I know of one university student who has just signed up - in the midst of all the expense of school. The Ember Club provides resources for maintenance, new projects, unforseen emergencies, and long-range development. Camper fees only cover the programming costs.